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Welcome to my Photo Gallery

Here you find some photo's I made of the Stadspark

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This site contains:

Seeable Clickable Text
A variety of 30 self made pictures of the Stadspark Six birds highlighted with their sounds Three different fonts
15 different icons/smileys 10 working buttons Around 470 words about my experience of the Stadspark
Seven different colors used multiple times Eight working links to other websites A footer with more information

Welcome to the Stadspark in Groningen!

Trees with autumn leaves

"Stadspark" means "city park" in English, it is a park in the city, as the name already indicates.πŸ˜‰ The Stadspark is not the only park in Groningen, but it is a very large park. When you walk far enough into the park, you can have the idea that you are in a calm area and you can forget that you are in a very busy and crowded city.

There is a lot to see at the Stadspark in Groningen. There are a lot of plants and animals you can spot. Even when you only focus on the birds, you can spot a wide variety of this class in the Stadspark: common blackbirds, ducks, finches, great tits, gulls, magpies, pigeons, robins, rooks, western jackdaws, woodpeckers and last but not least, the widely represented and ubiquitous geese.

Bird Sounds
Trees with autumn leaves
A photo of a goose in the water of the Stadspark, just after sunset

A bench at the water with seegulls on the brim

small white butterfly on yellow flowers

Alongside all the different birds, you can spot other wild animals like rabbits and squirrels. There are also highland cattles in one area. Beside all the animals which are running wild in the park, there is also a petting zoo with another diversity of animals.

And you can also spot me.

Photo of one high cattle in the summer
Photo of me with a higland cattle in the background in the winter
Photo of two eating high cattles in the winter

There are people doing sport activities in the park, like jogging and skating. There are also a lot of people who or walking the dog. Or people who like to walk just by themselves, like me. There is also a playground in the park, where mostly young kids are playing. Now you can see empty play equipment, because the weather was "bad" at that moment.

Photo of an empty swing in the sand, with a dark grey sky in the background
Photo of empty slides in the fall

Photo of an empty seesaw

When the weather is "bad"; when it is rainy and wet and when it is cold outside, there are less people outside. That is the moment that the park is in the most peaceful and tranquil state. Then is the moment that you can spot the most animals you otherwise would not see. (But they can be hard to photograph as well. πŸ˜…)

Photo at the water. In the distance are some geese. The weather is rainy, the park is very calm and quiet
Photo at the water. In the distance are some geese. The weather is rainy, the park is very calm and quiet
Photo of an empty bench at the water. The weather is rainy, the park is very calm and quiet
Photo at the water. The weather is rainy, the park is very calm and quiet
Photo at of an empty bench at the water. The weather is rainy, the park is very calm and quiet
Photo at of an empty bench at a grey path with a grey sky. The weather is rainy, the park is very calm and quiet

Every day is unique, because of the various weather circumstances and the different seasons. You can see new appearances of nature every day. So no day is the same at the park. The Stadspark keeps developing and growing in it's own unique way. And something can seem to emerge out of nowhere the next day, like a flower or a previously hidden and small animal. You can see a new color in the sky, in the water and/or on the plants.

Trees with green moss and autumn leaves
Trees at sunset in the beginning of the spring
A big branch of a magnolia tree getting it's first leaves back in spring

The Stadspark is a big park, so at first I could get lost. I could have no idea where I was. Nowadays I know exactly where I am, I have gained a lot of experience and wisdom. Sometimes I see a wandering traveller looking around and asking me where they are and then I am there for them to help them, giving them instructions how to reach the busy city again.

photo of a blue sky with white clouds and at the front the branches and leaves of a magnolia tree
Photo of dandelions at the right corner on a bridge
Photo of trees at sunset in spring
Photo of trees at sunset in spring
Photo of plants in front of the picture and with a bridge in the middle of them in te background
A path going to the left and an open spot with green grass at the rigth, with a yellow disc golf goal between the trees.
A photo of green in the shadow and yellow by the sun, with a blue sky with white clouds.
A path running vertically between the greenery
A photo of a white magnolia tree, leaving it's leaves on the path.
15 equal circle stones crossing the water, making a bridge to the other side

Bird Sounds

Common bird sounds when I walk through the Stadspark


A bird with a read breast, that's why this bird is called
"read breast" "roodborstje" in the Netherlands. Robins are often curious and very trustful.

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Great tit

A bird with a yellow body and a black head. It is the biggest tit of the Netherlands, that's why it is probably called the "great tit". It has a

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I recognize the finch by it's orange breast. Apparently this orange breast is on male finches only.

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I recognize the magpie by it's black and white colors. However, this bird has also more metalic colors.

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Western Jackdaw

I recognize the western jackdaw by it's black colors and black beak. It has silver colors on it's head as well.

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Common blackbird

I recognize the common blackbird by it's black colors and orange/yellow beak. The black color however, is only th color of the male. The female common blackbird is dark brown.

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